disney cupcake ideas

100 Plus Disney Cupcakes Themed by the Happiest Place on Earth

Children and adults alike love having a themed Disney party. Not to mention that we all love a good tasting and fun themed cupcake. So, below you will find my collection of beautiful and fun Disney themed cupcakes created by those around the internet.

Sweet cupcake showing Olaf all disassembled in the snow… how fun! Not hard to put together, fondant and a bow cut out. The chocolate hands could be replaced with pretzels. These cute cupcakes would be great alone and make a perfect addition to a sibling brother sister party with Elsa or Anna cupcakes too.

Sweet cupcake showing Olaf all disassembled in the snow… how fun! Not hard to put together, fondant and a bow cut out. The chocolate hands could be replaced with pretzels. These cute cupcakes would be great alone and make a perfect addition to a sibling brother sister party with Elsa or Anna cupcakes too.

Beauty and the Beast Cupcakes

This Belle cupcake has yellow frosting to match her dress and then, of course the rose from the plot of the story. Add some pearls to fancy it up some more. 11 More Beauty and the Beast cupcake ideas.

Toy Story Cupcake Ideas

Toy Story has grown from one delightful Disney movie to a whole franchise of movies and Disney Plus shows. Kids everywhere are still loving this theme, and will continue if they keep making exciting rides at Disney world like Slinky Dog Dash. 12 More Disney’s Toy Story Cupcake Ideas.

Minnie Mouse cupcake done in the Frozen theme.

Minnie Mouse cupcake are so easy to theme – just think different colors and sparkles and bows! The above cupcakes have white snowflakes on a blue background, perfect for Elsa and Frozen Disney movie theme party. Here are more Minnie Mouse Cupcake Ideas to make. (including the one above, there’s 6)