Teddy bears are the number one squishy animal that children love. Why not base your child’s birthday party around their favorite bear? Or, go for some new bear friends for the birthday boy or girl and their guests. However you choose to set up the party, it is sure to be a winner in your child’s eyes when you use some of these fun teddy bear ideas.
Yummy Teddy Bear Cupcakes
Whether you purchase cupcakes or make them at home, teddy bear cupcakes are a cute decoration and treat – they do double duty! Yummy teddy bear cupcakes will make everyone at the party so happy. I love the simple ones with the teddy-grams and fudge – so simple to make. Even the pull apart teddy bear cake is not complicated.
Teddy Bear Tea
Having a party for a little girl? Try a teddy bear tea. Invite your daughter’s friends to bring their bears – all dressed up. Then have a High Tea with the girls and the bears. You can decorate hats with the flowers for the girls and their bears to wear. Have little cakes with juicey type teas. Tons of fun!
Teddy Bear Party Snacks

Food is always on top when putting together a party for kids. Snacks and candies top the list. You can make a trail mix with different flavors of teddy graham crackers, mini-marshmallows, chocolate chips & small pretzels. Honey candies, gummy bears, and/or other bear shape candies made with molds.
Teddy Bear Party Favor Bags

Teddy bear bags are simple to put together and fun to fill with candy and small toys. The color of the ribbons in the picture above can be changed to add colors for girls too.

Using a printable topper for baggies and filling them with gummy bears is another simple favor bag for your guests to enjoy.
Teddy Bear Shaped Sandwiches

A teddy bear sandwich cutter is the perfect tool to use for this party – great investment! You can make sandwiches, cookies, or crafts using it. I love how diverse you can be using the cutter for sandwiches. You can go with a standard peanut butter and jelly, or have tea sandwiches for a Teddy Bear Tea Party with dessert type sandwiches.
Teddy Bear Hospital Donations
If you are having a party for older children, teach them about charitable giving by having a giveaway. Have each guest bring a teddy bear to donate to a children’s wing of a local hospital.
Have a Teddy Bear Picnic

Take the party outside and set up a picnic in your backyard, at the nearest park, or any place the kids have space to run around. Food can be sandwiches or pull out the grill for hotdogs.
Build-a-Bear Party Packages

While Build a Bear parties are not a budget friendly type of party, the cost can really add up quickly, they are fun and kids enjoy them. If you think your child would enjoy it, try saving a year in advance doing it a little each month.
Play Pass the Bear Game
All of the guests sit in a circle, one bear(who has no owner) is passed around the circle while there is music playing. When the music stops the child that had the bear is ‘out’. The game continues until the last child in the circle wins the bear 😉
Fun Teddy Bear Coloring Pages

Fun teddy bear coloring pages can be found free to print online. Here is a great resource: Cool2BKids Teddy Bear coloring pages.
If you have any Teddy Bear Party ideas you think would help our party community, please feel free to share them in the comments area. I am always updating my articles, so check back to the WittyPrintables blog often. I hope you enjoy the ideas we have listed here for you and they help you throw the best bear party ever 😉